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Project summary

The construction industry faces ongoing challenges related to worker safety, skills shortages, and rising training costs. Traditional classroom-based training methods are often ineffective and fail to realistically simulate hazardous job sites. Current off-the-shelf training platforms also demonstrate several limitations that make them ill-suited to the needs of construction contractors.

Most platforms do not accommodate the mobile nature of construction work. On average, only 15% of workers in the sector have reliable internet access at jobsites, preventing the use of online courses for the majority (85%) of the workforce. In-person classes also prove infeasible, as scheduling around fluctuating project timelines results in an average attendance rate of just 25% for external courses. Contractor needs are also not adequately addressed, with standard training modules found to cover only 30% of specific skills, processes, and equipment used on job sites. As a result, engagement is low, with 70% of construction workers reporting boredom or lack of relevance with generalised e-learning formats.

This project aims to develop an immersive virtual reality (VR) training platform powered by artificial intelligence (AI) to help address these challenges. The platform will utilise project-specific realistic 3D modelling of sites and specialised scenarios tailored to different construction sectors such as building, infrastructure, energy, and heavy civil. A variety of health and safety, equipment operation, and job-specific training scenarios will be developed for each sector.

AI techniques such as computer vision and natural language processing will be incorporated to provide individualised feedback to workers on their performance.

Trainees will also be able to practice communication, problem-solving and teamwork skills through multi-user VR functionality. By delivering interactive, skills-based training in a safe virtual setting that is accessible anywhere via VR hardware, this platform expects to significantly improve worker preparedness, safety, and retention within the industry.           


SafeXtend aims to address the urgent need for scalable, skills-targeted training solutions in the construction industry, through an innovative AI-powered virtual platform.

The platform's AI capabilities automatically convert 3Dsite scans into interactive digital shadows and generate customised 13-15 minute training programmes for each scan/model. The scenario-based VR environment immerses trainees in realistic jobsite simulations targeted to their specific skill needs, as determined through embedded skills assessments.

With SafeXtend, we are seeking to close looming skills gaps through a focus on efficiently and continually upskilling the substantial number of new and existing construction professionals demanded globally each year.

Other Expected Benefits of SafeXtend include.

  • Improved engagement: The use of conversational AI, avatars, and scenario variations keeps trainees immersed compared to static checklists. This drives greater learning retention.
  • Collaborative learning: Bringing multiple users together virtually cultivates productive teamwork practices and a heightened sense of shared responsibility for safety.
  • Data insights: Captured proficiency data offers detailed ROI reporting capabilities to benchmark training programs over time.