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Why available training platforms are not solving problem?

Wed, 12 June, 2024

Current off-the-shelf training platforms have several limitations that make them unsuitable for construction contractors. Most platforms don't accommodate the mobile nature of construction work. With only 15% of workers having reliable internet access at job sites, this makes the majority (85%) of online courses impractical for the workforce. In-person classes are also problematic, as fluctuating project timelines result in an average attendance rate of just 25% for external courses.

Additionally, contractor needs are not adequately addressed, as standard training modules cover only 30% of the specific skills, processes, and equipment used on job sites. This leads to low engagement, with 70% of construction workers finding generalized e-learning formats boring or irrelevant.

The costs of existing programs also pose significant barriers. At an average price of £400 per worker, specialised courses represent a significant expense for the average firm with 15 employees. Due to budget constraints, 95% of small contractors cannot regularly invest in individual training. Moreover, current platforms fail to provide actionable data to contractors. Without on-site assessments or evaluations, metrics around completion rates alone are insufficient to demonstrate a true 5-10% impact on job performance.

Traditional training methods are not currently meeting the rising demand despite the resources spent by countries annually towards construction training. Digital innovations like SafeXtend have potential to narrow this widening gap. Technologies like AI and AR can standardise programmes to improve access through lower-cost, mobile-based learning while better targeting skills collection. This allows optimising training over time.

To execute projects safely and adopt emerging technologies, the global construction sector urgently requires scalable training solutions that can efficiently upskill vast numbers of new and existing workers.