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Consortium Partners Hold In-Person SafeXtend Project Meeting

Wed, 19 February, 2025

Representatives from SafeXtend consortium partners Brunel Innovation Centre (BIC): a strategic partnership between Brunel University of London and TWI, The Power Hub, Tricore Technical Services and V-LAB recently held an in person project meeting at TWI’s headquarters in Cambridge, UK.

With SafeXtend now just two months off project completion, the consortium set themselves a full day’s Agenda, with discussions ranging from technical achievements to date and the challenges still to address, through to dissemination and communication activities, and the potential for post-project commercialisation.

A key benefit of meeting in person was the opportunity for partner representatives to try out the latest version of the SafeXtend platform for themselves, using the virtual reality (VR) headsets brought along by colleagues from Tricore for the occasion. This provided valuable feedback on the current SafeXtend system version, including the quality and relevance of the construction site visuals, the clarity of the voice-over and the overall experience for future trainees using the platform.

A representative of the project consortium testing the SafeXtend platform using a VR headset
A representative of the project consortium testing the SafeXtend platform using a VR headset

The day also saw the filming of four ‘Meet the Expert’ videos, showcasing the contributions of BIC, The Power Hub, Tricore and V-LAB to the project, which will be made available to view over the next few weeks.